What are the advantages and disadvantages of switch

Answer Posted / ramganesh1982

Reposting it as the Poster name got changed to Guest
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Also the last few lines had some typo.. corrected them
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A switch is just a another n/w device which has its own
Advantages and Disadvantages as compared to a
HUB/Router/Bridge etc ... I hope it doesnt have any
disadvantages as such unless and until compared to other
n/w devices[Note : This is just my opinion,please add
details if you have some]

Advantages :
1) Reduces the number of Broadcast domains
2) Supports VLAN's which can help in Logical segmentation
of ports[physical ports].Splitting up the broadcast domain.
3) Intellegent device[compared to Hub's] which can make use
of CAM table for Port to MAC mapping
4) Compared to Bridges ,Switches are more H/w oriented
therefore operations are less CPU intense[Basic operations]
5) The cost to number of ports ratio is best .. ie For a
cheaper cost you get switches with more number of ports
available than Routers.

Disadvantages :

1) Not as good as a router in limiting Broadcasts
2) Communication b/w VLAN's need interVLAN routing [Router]
,but these days there are a number of Multilayer switches
available in the market.
3) Handling Multicast packets needs quite a bit of
configuration & proper designing.
4) At times swtiches when in Promiscuos mode is a opening
for Security attacks [Spoofing ip address or capturing
Ethernet Frames using ethereal]

I would definitely arguee with the interviewer that
switches are designed for what they are & there is no
disadvatage as such unless it is compared to other layer
devices.At Layer 2 it does what other devices of layer 2
cant do & it was initally meant to work at Layer 2,even
though it works at multiple layers these days.

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