what is diff between 32 / 64 bit web browser

Answer Posted / rajendra

The x64-based versions of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition include a 32-
bit version and a 64-bit version of Microsoft Internet
Explorer. Both versions of Internet Explorer are included
to increase compatibility with existing programs and Web
sites. The 32-bit version of Internet Explorer can host
only native 32-bit ActiveX controls and other 32-bit Web
page objects. The 64-bit version of Internet Explorer can
host only native 64-bit ActiveX controls and other 64-bit
Web page objects.

Interopability with existing technologies

The differences between the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of
Internet Explorer can affect toolbar add-ins and Microsoft
ActiveX controls. For example, 32-bit toolbar add-ins do
not work in the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer. These
add-ins include the MSN toolbar, the AOL toolbar, the eBay
toolbar, and the Google toolbar. You can install 32-bit
toolbars in the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer.
However, the 32-bit toolbars will not appear in the 64-bit
version of Internet Explorer.

For example, when you start the Setup program for the 32-
bit Google toolbar in the 64-bit version of Internet
Explorer, the Google Setup program closes the 64-bit
Internet Explorer window. The Google Setup program opens a
new 32-bit Internet Explorer window when setup is
completed. The Google toolbar appears in the 32-bit version
of Internet Explorer, and the toolbar works correctly. The
32-bit Google toolbar is not installed in the 64-bit
version of Internet Explorer.

By design, the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer cannot
host 32-bit ActiveX controls. Additionally, the 32-bit
version of Internet Explorer cannot host 64-bit ActiveX


Rajendra Prasad Reddy

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