ONMOBILE PLACEMENT PAPERS ------------- Placement Paper 2

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1. if the date is written as MMDDYYYY, and then 10022001,
ie)oct 2 2001 is a palindrome. which is the immediate
palindrome before that date.

2. there r 2 trains travelling at 100 MPH each. there is a
200Mile tunnel. the trains travel in opposite directions.
when the trains enter, a supersonic bee starts at the
tunnel, touches the other train, comes back touches the
first train, turns again and touches the other train and so
on until the trains collide. Find the distance travelled by
the bee.

3. It is 12.00 o clock. Find how often the minute hand
meets the hour hand.

4. Find the maximum product using positive integers the sum
of which is 100. Dont know if i am sure with this one.
sorry. i didnt do this.

5. in a train Art is found dead. hours later 4 people are

Blonde says i am innocent, i didnt speak with Art
White says i am innocent, Blonde spoke with Art
Old says i am innocent, the brunette killed Art
Brunette says i am innocent, one of the men killed Art

The inspector says simple, 4 true statements, 4 false
I know the killer, very simple!!!
Find out the killer. (only one is involved.)

6. 2 maths geniuses meet after 20 yrs.
one says i am married. and have 3 daughters. the product of
their ages is 72. the sum is the same as the house no.
other says, but I cant find it out.
The other says. . simple. ok, my eldest daughter has just
started the piano classes.
Find their ages.
This one is there in previous question papers also.

7. 5 sea pirates have 100 gold coins and want to share it.
They propose a plan.
The senior most one has to propose an idea, if at least 50
% agree, the coins r shared accordingly. else the senior is
killed and the next senior most is asked to present a plan
and so on .

note, all the guys r very clever and very greedy and dont
want to lose the coins, and dont want to die. Form a way to
share the money.

I didnt do this....no time

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1. the answer is 08 31 1380.
i worked it out like this.. before 2001, 2000 cannot be
taken as MMDD becomes 0002.
also anything after 14 century cant be considered as 1401
would mean 1041, there r only a max of 31 days a month. so
the century nos must be only 13(reverse for 31)so the yr is
13xx. now 1399to 1391 is not possible as reverse means 99
to 19 but max no of months is 12. so 1390 becomes
09311390... but 9th month has only 30 days(lucky i
remembered it).. so 1380 is the most recent palindrome ...
which beocomes 08311380.

SOln is 08 31 1380.

2. this one i really screwed up royally. it took me 25
minutes to solve.. i took the average speeds, the distance
travelled by the trains and the bee, took ratio of speeds
and distance, subtracting it from the tunnels length for
every time the bee touched the trains. phew lot of
calculation.. and got the ans as 1000.

But when i rechecked it a thought struck me... so silly of
me. The trains collide at the middle. ie)after 100 miles.
that means after 1 hour. so the bee travels for 1 hour
touching each train till they collide. its speed being 1000
mph, it travelled a 1000 miles.. only a simple logic of few
seconds... but i was looking for a complex answer and
wasted a lot of precious time. my advice is not all puzzles
r hard, there r some easy ones too. if we go with the
mindset that all r hard, v overlook the easy path. dont do
this mistake like me.

3. at 12.00 the minute and hour hand are together. but at
1.00 they are 5 mins apart. so in 60 minutes the gain is 55
mins for the min hand. to be together it has to gain
another 5 more mins. so the time taken to gain 5 mins is

So the time taken to meet again is 65.454
So the hands meet every 65.454 minutes

4. sorry no time to see this and dont remember it

5. the blonde killed

6. i wrote 6 4 and 3

7. no idea pllls let me know.

the answers r what i think and may be wrong. soo pls do let
me know in case i am wrong.

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Some Previous Questions
Note: The questions may not be complete. They are just to
give you an idea of how the test will be.

A, B, C are three persons. among these 3 persons only one
is having a key to open a treasure. Each person always
either speaks truth or lies. The three persons made the
following statements.

A: I have the key

B: I dont have the key

C: B dont have the key.

Among the three, atleast one always speak truth. Find out
who got the key?

(4 Marks)


A train is travelling from A to B. During its travel it met
with an accident after travelling for half an hour. After
the accident it travels with 3/5th of its original speed
and arrives the destination two hours late. If accident
occurs 50 km farther it will arrive the destination by 40
mins late. Then find the distance between A and B?

(6 Marks)


A starts from x to y at noon. his friend B, starts from y
to x at 2 pm and met him at 4:05 pm and then both of them
reached their destinations at the same time. Find arrival

(8 Marks)


There are innumerable packets of neggets each of which
contain either 3 or 6 or 9 nuggets. You cannot break a
packet ( i.e., u can not have 1 or 2 nuggets, they are
available only in packets of 3, 6 and 9).

Problem is to find a number N starting from which it is
possible to get any number of nuggets without breaking any
of the packets.

(12 Marks)

Ans : There is no such number exists. It's not possible to
find out. So, answer should be "Infinite".


An item x is available in 6,9,20 peices of packets. A
customer purchased least N peices such that N+1, N+2,
N+3.......peices also can be purchased. Find N.

(12 Marks)

Ans : 44

(This answer is absolutely right. Find out a method how to
solve it. If you have a method which works for all such
kinds of problems, mail to me at : nchetana123@yahoo.com)


Three ants are present on the 3 vertices of triangle.They
need to change their positions. what is probability of
getting their positions changed with the condition that no
two ants collide each other while exchanging their


You need to chose "n" numbers such that their sum is 100
and they give the maximum product when multiplied.


A business guy got 4 weigths and he can weight up to 40
kgs. What are denominations ?

Ans : 1,3,9,27


In a game where three dice are thrown, a player guesses a
number. If the guessed number appears on only one die, he
gets double amount. If the guessed number appears on two
dies, he gets thrice the amount. If the guessed number
appears on three dies, he quadraples his money. Find the
probability to win triple or quadraple amount of the bet.

(8 Marks)


Tom, Dolly and Mouly are living in a street having door
numbers 1-99. But they dont know each others house numbers.

Mouly asked Tom, "is your dno a perfect square?". He

Again she asked, "is it greater than 50?". He replied.

With this information she went to Tom house, but she could
not find out his address. Then she realizes that the second
answer is only the correct one.

Then dolly, who is unaware of the above conversation, asked
Tom, "Is ur dno a perfect cube?". He replied.

Again she asked, "is it greater than 25?". He replied.

With this information she went to Tom house, but she could
not find out his address. Then she realizes that the second
answer is only the correct one.

If sum of door numbers of the three is equal to a perfect
square multiplied with 2. Tom's door number is less than
that of Dolly.

Also Tom's door number is less than that of Mouly. Then
find out the door numbers of all the three people.

(12 Marks)


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Question Paper of the Written Test held on : 2 nd March
2004 at Bangalore
Note: The questions may not be complete. They are just to
give you an idea of how the test will be.

How to weigh 1 to 40kg (whole numbers) with only 4
different weighing stones on a simple balance.

What are denominations ?

Ans : 1,3,9,27


A train travels from A to B .on the way from A to B,after
traveling for 1 hr the train has an accident and the rest
of the journey it travels with 3/5 of its original speed
and reaches 2 hrs late. If the accident has occurred 50 km
further it would have reached 40 minutes earlier. What is
the distance between A and B ?


A murder occurred in atrain.The murdered is Mr X. The
people investigated gave the following statements.

Old Man : I?m innocent . I saw Blonde woman talking to Mr X

Blonde Woman : I?m innocent . I didn?t talk with Mr X.

Young Man : I?m innocent . The brunette woman killed Mr X.

Brunette Woman : I?m innocent . One of the men is the

There are 4 true and four false statements .

Who is the murderer?


Ajay and Vijay divided some apples between themselves.

Vijay says : You have more apples than me .

Then Ajay gives Vijay one apple each for Vijay's age.

Then Vijay says : You have 2 times the apples that I have.

And Ajay replies that : it is fair since my age is twice
your age.

When Ajay leaves, Vijay takes as many apples equal to
Ajay's age.

Who has more number of apples ?


3 dice each with a number from 1 to 6 are rolled one after
another. A person can bet mony on any one of the numbers If
the number turns out on only die then he receives his
amount along with the same amount as he invested. If the
number turns out on any 2 dice then he gets his money back
along with twice the money he had bet. If the number turns
out on all 3 dice then he gets his money back along with
trice the same money.

What is the probability of tripling and quadrupling his
money ?


X puts some black and white balls in a bag. Y picks a ball
from the bag and finds it to be black. He picks out another
ball and finds it also to be black. He asks what would be
probability of a third black ball for which X replies that
it is 9/10 of the probability of the original trail. Y
knows that there are atleast 7 balls in the bag originally.

How many balls of each color are there originally ?

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