can u say me how many test cases i can get for a user to
login and enter password ..please specify in testcase
desing template for that

Answer Posted / kanda

Consider Login with Userid(Min 5 Char and Max 10 Char)
i)Test to Check with Valid Userid(5 Char) and Valid Password
(As per Requirements)
ii)Test To check with Valid Userrid(10 Char) and Valid
Password(As per Requirements)
iii)Test To check with Valid UserId (<=10 X >=5) and Valid
Password(As per Requirements)
iii)Test To check with InValid Userrid( 5< X >10 Char) and
Valid Password
iv)Test to Check with Valid User Id and Invalid Password
(Password not belongs to User)
v)Test To check Whether Password Is case Sensitive
vi)Test To Check with Blank Values on Input Field in Login
vii)Test To Check whether Password In Encrypted Form
viii)Test To Check Whether Navigation is Possible through
TAB key
ix)Test To Check the Alert Message for "CAPS LOCK IS ON"
while giving password with Upper case
x)For Invalid Data input fields after Alert messaage check
Whether Cursor Enabled for that Field
Xi)Test To Check Whether User can Able to Navigate
Successfully for valid Input fields

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1.1 Purpose This tool is also a simple tool, but will be graphics- intensive, and will access the 3 databases (card databases) used in Tarot. 1.2 Scope Only for registered user. 1.3 User Interface - No questions asked, parrot pulls out tarot card - Inside Parrot application, User just have to click on a link saying ""XXXX"" to activate the tool. - Shown is the card of the day, from pack of Tarot cards(78 in number) with fixed graphics, animation, audio. Output: - Graphic-rich display of randomly selected card with detailed meaning, with links to tarot tool. - Graphics: Flying / walking parrot, emerging and choosing a card, displaying the same, and continuing to interact based on card meaning. - The cards also need to carry a brief 1/0 meaning, which will trigger a 1/0 behavior from the parrot (sympathy/making fun/crying or congratulating/smiling/winking)


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