In a sports contest there were m medals awarded on n
successive days (n > 1).
1. On the first day 1 medal and 1/7 of the remaining
m - 1 medals were awarded.
2. On the second day 2 medals and 1/7 of the now
remaining medals was awarded; and so on.
3. On the nth and last day, the remaining n medals
were awarded.
How many days did the contest last, and how many medals
were awarded altogether?

Answer Posted / guest

Total 36 medals were awarded and the contest was for 6

On day 1: Medals awarded = (1 + 35/7) = 6 : Remaining 30
On day 2: Medals awarded = (2 + 28/7) = 6 : Remaining 24
On day 3: Medals awarded = (3 + 21/7) = 6 : Remaining 18
On day 4: Medals awarded = (4 + 14/7) = 6 : Remaining 12
On day 5: Medals awarded = (5 +7/7) = 6 : Remaining 6
On day 6: Medals awarded 6

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