I have 5 no.of Action in my Test.
Out off which i should make 3rd action as my start-up
How should i make it?

Answer Posted / emorej

An important note:
Answer#1: for winrunner
Answer#2: for QTP

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

Explain the types of properties that quick test learns while recording?


What we are looking for is to load properties of object dynamically as for our application the global repository will pretty huge. It will be really helpful to us if something similar to following functions of Winrunner is available in QTP. #Define descriptor auto strDesc; #set property in the descriptor Gui_desc_set_attr(strDesc,?Class?,?Edit?); --- put other properties #Add Edit box to GUI Map Gui_add(? ?,strWindowName,strEditboxName,strDesc);


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They asked by using qtp recording writing scripting


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I am getting the "test object property" Description properties "toolkit class" value By using "gettoproperty" in run time But my problem is how to get Ordinal Identyfier's type and value Type is index, value is 0 How can i keep this values in to required place How can i get these values in runtime I have to insert these "index" and "value" into another area Is there any script for this like "gettoproperties","Getroproperties" If anybody knows,please help me .


Hi All, I need code for how to execute qtp scripts from excell sheet


How will we compare the texts in the two word files using QTP writing the script in Descriptive Programming. Thanks


I need to obtain the parent of an object programatically, so if I have: winButton("aButton") I need to obtain the parent part: window("Window1").Dialog("Dialog1") so I can programatically create a string of the full name of the object to call it with an execute statement in QTP I would like to use something like: part[1] = "window(""Window1"")" part[2] = "dialog(""Dialog1"")" so I can do: exeLine = part[1]&"."&part[2]&"."&"winButton(""aButton"")" Execute exeLine Apart from keeping a record of the window/dialog hierarchy is there a parent or path function/ command Thanks Adrian


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