Difference between Find and Read operation in ADABAS file.

Answer Posted / saravanan

• Searches the records for given search criteria from inverted list, finds the list of exact matches for value provided in search criteria and gets the ISN list matches the search criteria and orders the ISN list and find the RABN using sorted ISN list and gets the exact records from data storage and displays it.
• No need to provide any condition to terminate the loop. It gets only the list of records which exactly matches given values in search criteria and displays it.


In a library, if you want to search list of book for author ‘John’, then FIND will return catalog of books written by only ‘John’ and using the catalog we randomly the find the list of books written by ‘John’ in whole library. We will not have any details about the books written by any other authors.

READ by descriptor –
• Reads the list of records from inverted list, even though it doesn’t match exactly the search criteria, it reads the next next records starting from descriptor value and gets the ISN value and gets RABN from Address converter and gets the records and displays it.
• We need to explicitly terminate the loop using escape bottom or limit the reads, as it will be keep on reading the whole file as it doesn’t look for only exact descriptor value from search criteria.


In a library, if you want to search list of book for author ‘John’, then Read by Descriptor will return catalog of books written by ‘John’ and also next author whose name is in order next to John, for example like authors ‘Jones’, ‘Kim’ whose books are also part of Read Logical as it reads the inverted list starting from descriptor value. We will have details about other author also. We need explicitly control the read using IF condition to terminate the read after author John.

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