Question 80 - Liquid octane has a density of 703 kilograms per cubic metre and molar mass of 114.23 grams per mole. Its specific heat capacity is 255.68 J / (mol K). (a) Find the energy in J needed to increase the temperature of 1 cubic metre of octane for 1 Kelvin. (b) At 20 degree Celsius, the solubility of liquid octane in water is 0.007 mg / L as stated in a handbook. For a mixture of 1 L of liquid octane and 1 L of water, prove by calculations that liquid octane is almost insoluble in water.

Answer Posted / kangchuentat

Answer 80 - (a) 1 cubic metre of liquid octane has 703 kilograms or 703 kilograms x mole / (0.11423 kilograms) = 6154.25 mole. Energy needed = [ 255.68 J / (mol K) ] x (6154.25 mol) K = 1573518.64 J where K is the unit symbol for Kelvin and mol is the unit symbol for mole. (b) Density of liquid octane = 703 kilograms per cubic metre = 0.703 grams per cubic centimetre = 703 g / L. There is 0.007 mg = 0.000007 g or 0.000007 g x (1 L / 703 g) = 0.0000000099573257 L of liquid octane in 1 L of water. With negligible amount of liquid octane in 1 L of water, octane is considered insoluble in water. The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706;;

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