Choose the easiest topic if u get an opportunity to choose

Answer Posted / ayat

My favt topic would be lottery because I can't forget that day when I lose my 18000 rupees as the person was behaving who called me that I got lottery like he was loyal and I can't believe how I trust on him... This was my first experience who always make let me to think 1000 time before taking any decision

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Hi Mr.Anil even i am looking for the same to start up a call center did u come to know the details if u plese let me alo mail id is


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1.Please tell me a little about your country. 2.How long have you been in the U.S.? 3.What do you remember about your education when you first started school? 4.Can you please tell me about the curriculum (classes) that you were required to take in high school? 5.How many students were in a typical class in your high school? 6.What were the classes like….was it mostly controlled by the teacher or did students work in groups and interact with one another as well as the teacher? 7.Are there differences between your school experience in your home country and the way classes are taught here? If the answer is ‘yes’, please describe the differences. 8.Do you think that high school was difficult and challenging or was it quite easy for you? 9.Did you enjoy high school? Why or why not? 10.Do you have anything else you’d like to tell me?


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