what types of challenges we are faced in creating web i
reports .can you please explain with some examples.

Answer Posted / arka chattopadhyay

1>User Expects that 1000 rows will come in the report..but in report we are getting only 800 rows...what can be the reason of this in WEBI end?
Ans:-In Webi end we need to first check whether the data providers maximum rows retrieved number is checked and fixed to a certain row.
Whether there are any block level filters or query level filters applied on the report which is causing data filtration.
2>Issues on Document Linking i.e master-detail report linking?
Ans:- check whether the link which is created contains the proper CUID of the destination report or not.
3>Break is applied on a particular column in a crosstab report in the dimesnion part.but its showing all the rows as blank and value only in top row but it should only show value in top and no blank rows all will be merged?
Ans:- use break and then go to properties and change break type to merge.

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