i am a student ,i planned for industrial visit with my four
friends ,so kindly suggest me a place to visit a valid I.T
industry near by chennai

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Dear Students any one required IV please contact me. prabu natraj(09840108069) mail id:prabu231086@gmail.com

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Write a program in ā€˜Cā€™ that will accept 10 numbers from the user, sort them & then perform the binary search. The searching number will be arithmetic mean of the 10 numbers accepted from the user. Write the sort() & binSearch() functions for performing the sorting & binary search. Also create display function() for displaying the list. Sort() function will use selection sort and only receive one argument (Single char type)as type of sorting i.e. ascending (a) or descending (d). Display the list after sorting using a display() function. binSearch() function will accept one argument as a number to be search & return null or the index position of that number in the array. display() function is non argument non return type function. It will simply display the list row-wise. Program should use these functions by displaying the appropriate message for found or not found.


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