What is the example of Integration Testing?

Answer Posted / mudaseer

for example in phone take photo and check whether the photos are checking saved in phone memory or external memory

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Scenario A year ago we developed a standards compliant website for a client. Their site is very popular resulting in the client wanting to be able to track how it is being used by their users. The first part of this project is to create a Login function so that users can be identified on the website. The data supplied by users would have to be handled securely. You have been allocated this project to work on. You will be responsible for the task from start to finish and will be expected to give feedback to your manager. User expectations  The client wants their users to be able to login using a page that fits in with the website design.  Tom wants to access the website but doesn’t want his login information to be available to anyone else.  Paul doesn’t want to login to the website because he’s not a frequent user. Task Please provide some feedback on how you would do the following:-  Being the only Test Engineer on this task, what would your approach be for this requirement?  Identify the key areas for testing this page.  What tools if any, would you use to perform the testing, bearing in mind that the testing will be done without using an ‘automated test tool’.  Provide a sample test case that could be used for testing this page, for example as a word or Excel document.


i have done B.E. computer in 2009 i have done software testing course and also 6 months exp in testing on live project as trainee, now a days i am searching job in pune. can any one tell me any opening in pune?