What is the BPT(bussiness process testing ).and what is the
main difference between BPT and QTP

Answer Posted / digi

Test Script :
It is a collection of steps may be resides in one action or more than one actions which is used to validate the test flow.This can even be a business flow.
The entire business flow is in one script only.

Challenges with Traditional Automation:
1.Lack of collaboration between SMEs and
2.automation experts
3.Not role-based—too many overlaps in duties
4.Decentralized—inefficient use of resources
5.Lack of standards in automation
6.High maintenance without an intelligent framework

Business Component:
This is a small building block consisting of a single task.A typical business flow is a combination or collection of different business component.
You can say a logical division of a full flow of is one Component.
Structurally, Business Components are similar to reusable functions and actions in QTP.

Business Flow=Component1+Component2+......+ComponentN

Each component has it's own input and output.
One component may take the output of another component.
This is typically used with BPT in Mercury (HP) quality center.

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Please help me by providing the License key for QTP 9.2, at guru_aarya@yahoo.co.in Best Regards Gururaj.B