what category of job you are looking for?

Answer Posted / guest

I am looking a job for commi1 in
Indian curry

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If a hotel's restarant is declining in customer satisfaction, specifically with hostess attentiveness, bad table service, and the quality of food, what would be the best choice to make in order to eliminate these issues?


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How many hours per week you intend to dedicate to your studies?


In case of admission you will need to pay a tuition deposit (normally 50% of the tuition fees). The remaining amount can be paid in instalments. Can you confirm that you have sufficient funds or ensured sponsorship for this amount? (In case of sponsor pre-payment of the total amount of 14,000.00 CHF you will receive a 500 CHF discount on the residency). If you prefer to pay a smaller deposit please let us know on this reply.


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Hi t all ! i appliad for IRCTC?but i don't now how to prepare for Part-1 exam please any now about IRCTC sample Papers r syllabus plz plz mail me.satish6684@yahoo.com i will thank ful to u


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