If A:B =5:9, B:C=3:8 then A:B:C=?

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Find the hypotaneous of a right angle isoceles triangle whose area is 50.


Complete the series 2, 7, 24, 77,__ (hint: 2*12= 24, 7*11= 77, therefore 24*10= 240)


A batsman scores 23 runs and increases his average from 15 to 16. Find the runs to be made if he wants top Inc the average to 18 in the same match.


a train runs first half of the distance at 40 km/hr and the remaining half at 60 km/hr. What is the average speed for the entire journey?


1,40,00,000 pencils are put up straight. All the pencils are of length range 3 to 6 inches. 80% of the pencils have average of five inches. So find out the total length spanned by the pencils?


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The minimum token cost is Rs. 100, which grants the token holder to travel up to a distance of 10 miles. And for every additional mile travelled, the charge is Rs. 10. A minimum luggage weight of 10 kg is not charged, after which it is charged at Rs. 1 per kg. During a specific journey, suppose you carry a weight of 'k' kg, and a distance of 'p' miles is travelled, which equation will indicate the correct total charge to be paid by the traveller?


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All birds are animals. All animals are four legged. Implications a. All animals which are four legged are birds. b. All birds are four legged c. Some birds are four legged d. Some birds are animals but not four legged.


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