1. Where the History file can be located?
2. How will you harden the server?
3. Diff between Raid 1 and Raid 5?
4. What is the largest disk size can be used in LVM?
5. How will you remove a PV from lvm without any data loss?
6. What is the diff between ext3 and ext2 File system?
7. How we can use resize2fs, what is the purpose?
8. What is the purpose of LVM? Why it is used?
9. If the FS is in read-only mode, so we cannot create any
file. How will you fix it?
10. How to create swap partition after OS installation?
11. What is the diff between ssh and telnet?
12. How to find out the dependency required for a package?

Answer Posted / durgesh srivastava

1. .bash_history

2. lvm is also called logical volume manager and it a
combination of multiple disk and drive which can be store
data in diff. form and use of lvm creat control or modified
all RAIDS 1,2,5,1+0

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