I have table name'temp' in that I wanted to add some
partial data for a particular column name 'policyno' where
data is existing in that column. Ex.Policyno like 'R-KT-SK-
EA-134526' like 100 records. In that 100 records some
policynos are just like 134527 I mean with out prefix
like'R-KT-SK-EA-' now I wanted add this prefix as 'R-KT-SK-
EA-134527' for some 50 records. How can I add partial data?

Answer Posted / velmurugan

UPDATE temp SET = REPLACE(Policyno,'134527','R-KT-SK-EA-134527') WHERE Policyno = '134527'

UPDATE temp SET = 'R-KT-SK-EA'+ Policyno WHERE Policyno = '134527'

UPDATE temp SET = 'R-KT-SK-EA'+ Policyno WHERE policyno not like 'R-KT-SK-EA-%'

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