candidates 18 aug 07 landran

Answer Posted / jasdeep singh


I m Jasdeep Singh frm GTBKIET,MALOUT.............I have been to accenture
on 18 august 07 thru campus placement held at CEC landran m an ACCENTURIAN......... its great to be there..........

Fst of all i would like to thank FRESHERSWORLD.COM for leading me on the
way to accenture.........a great stuff of xperience papers i had gone thru
this site.....nd it helped me a lot lot.......nd i would like to thank all
buddies who had put there so much valuable xperience on net........thnx all.

now let me get to the procedure

The fst one was APTI followed by an ESSAY WRITTING.then GD nd finally HR
/TECH interviews.

before this i have appeared to 7 companies bt cant get thru the apti's even
a single time.............but finally i got to accenture

All rounds were easy. All u need is just be focussed nd have faith in
god.......then evrything works for u in ur way..........

APTITUDE:--------It was held on august 4' 07.It was consisting of 55
questions..easy one .a bit of logic power is required and go thru RS negative marking .cut off is round about 30-35

a total of 5200 appeared and 828 cracked the apti.......the apti was
followed by an essay writting.....the topic was given on the spot.......our
topic was "CAREER AT ACCENTURE"..........write wat u know coz during
interview they will ask about wat u have written in there..........

GD:--------This is the most eliminatory round wat i have heard before i
went to this was nt as much difficult to crack........just
BE CONFIDENT nd give some valid do take care of
GD mistakes........go thru current affairs, current Gd topics........

all 828 students were divided into a group of 12 peoples...........our
topic was 'Black Vs White'

other topics were' impact of movies on youth ' , ' hollywood Vs bollywood '
nd many more........

7 people were selected frm our group..........others who were droped had
nt spoken a single word........

a total of round about 350 clrd GD

TECH:-------I was bit nervous before the start of my tech nterview coz its
da fst time m facing it.........

the tech interviewer was a cool was actually an HR + TECH
interview.......i enjoyed it

tech: jasdeep,plz tell me bout urself

me: i replied(with low volume)

tech: i cant hear u, plz tell loudly.

me: i replied(this time confident)

tech : r u willing to relocate?

me: yes sir;

tech some of ur achievements?

me: answered.

tech: ur weakness?

me: replied.

tech: wat is da difference between 8085 nd 8086 microprocessor?

me: answered(satisfied)

tech R u willing to relocate(again)?

me: again the same ans.

tech ok jasdeep lets meet

me thanku sir

the results were out i within a minute nd i was told that i have clrd the
tech round and shuld move to the HR.

HR:---------This time my confident level was at the top.and i get to the HR

as soon i had have my seat in front of the HR he offerd me a glass of

HR: plz have it.

me: no thanks sir.

HR no plz have it,its for you.

me no thanks sir,thanks for the offer.

he still was forcing me to have that but i havent(this shows a respect
just go thru these kinda tricky HR)

HR: r u willing to relocate?

me: yes sir

HR: have u gone thru the terms nd conditions?

me : yes sir

HR plz tell me bout ur famliy backround?

me: replied

HR: how plane take offs?

me: replied(gave a sound smile)

HR thanku jasdeep

me: thanku sir:

as soon i was out of the HR room ,the results were out nd i have told that
i have been to ACCENTURE now........great moment for me.......

total of 214 finally got the job letters.................

best of luck ......just be there..........hope u would !!!rock on

Jasdeep Singh

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