wat is the differences between xsd and dtd

Answer Posted / t.narayana rao

Both DTD (Document Type Definition) and XSD (Xml Schema
Definition) intends to do the same thing: define the
structure of an XML document.

DTD was introduced in 1999 along with the XML specification.
It addresses the following:
1. Define elements, attributes and entities
2. The content model (what is between open tag and closing
tag) for each element.
3. The possible attributes for an element
4. The content data type for elements and attributes
5. Entities that can be referenced by an XML
and so on.

As XML became more and more popular, in 2001 W3C
standardized XSD to define the structure of an XML with more
1. XSD is follows XML syntax
2. Introduced over 40 datatypes
3. constraints on the data (of elements/ attributes)
4. precise no.of occurences of elements
and so on.

The biggest advantage of using an XSD over DTD is that you
can specify all your validation rules in an XSD and the
parser can check the same for you before the actual
application that needs the data gets it.

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