I required rrb pharmacist model papers

Answer Posted / vinod

sir, i request you that some previous question paper send me
at least.

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sir,i am going to face an entrance examination for the post of assistant station master.and i dont know what type of question will come.so,if u can send me previous exam paper,i will very gratefull to u.


please send me the question paper and syllabus for asst station master post


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where can we search the previous question papers for station master,ticket collector,goods gaurds...plz mention book name.


what is examing body


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hi i im a m.pharmacy student and going to give rrb examination so i want the study mat and previous qsn papers so plzz send it to my mail id chincholi.anand@gmail.com


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sir i need previous RRB question papers for Pharmacist at my email id satishgoge@yahoo.co


Hi, i like to know the syllabus for RRB(Section Engineer- Electrical)? Whether the syllabus will be same for every RRB exam conducted in any state.I am Electrical engineer send me syllabus & previous question papers


where can we search the previous question papers for station master,ticket collector,goods gaurds...plz mention book name.


I have completed my BBA degree from sikkim manipal university. now I am looking for a Bank job in rrb or sbi. but I have only 22 marks in secondary level. so am I eligible for bank exam? Please guide me.


i need previous year questions for section engineer(S&T) for electronics engineer. please send some sample questions to my mail id deepaselvarengan@gmail.com Thanks in advance !


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