What is an ESB?

Answer Posted / vijay m

An enterprise service bus (ESB) is a pattern of middleware
that unifies and connects services, applications and
resources within a business. Put another way, it is the
framework within which the capabilities of a business'
applications are made available for reuse by other
applications throughout the organization and beyond. The ESB
is not a new software product — it's a new way of looking at
how to integrate applications, coordinate resources and
manipulate information. Unlike many previous approaches for
connecting distributed applications, for example RPC or
distributed objects, the ESB pattern enables the connection
of software running in parallel on different platforms,
written in different programming languages and using
different programming models.

Examples of the enterprise service bus patterns exist today,
built using existing integration tools available in theIBM
Business Integration portfolio of products. For a business,
an ESB can manage connectivity needs by providing standards
based application integration with support for Web services,
message based transport and mediation (transformation and
routing) oriented toward a service based infrastructure
(often referred to as a service oriented architecture).

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