difference between sanity testing and smoke testing?

Answer Posted / subhash ingale

1. Sanity Testing or Build Verification testing or Build
acceptance testing.

It is type of testing in which one will conducted overall
testing and the release the build in order to conform
whether the build is proper or not for conducting detil

To do the same one will check the following.
1.Whether the build can installed in to Environment proper
or not.
2.whether one can navigate to all the pages of the
application or not.
3.whether all the objects are available and properly
arranged or not.
4.whether the required connection are properly established
or not.

Smoke Testing :-
some compines this type of testing also called as smoke
testing but in some compines just before releasing the
build is proper or not that is known as smoke testing and
once the build is release the test Eng. will check whether
the build is proper or not . that is known as build
acceptance testing ,build verification testing.

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