What is the value of 15^2- 14^2 + 13^2- 12^2........-2^2+ l^2?
1.225 2.265 3.120 4.125

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If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by 30%, 20% and 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined.


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A Lorry starts from Banglore to Mysore At 6.00 a.m, 7.00 a.m, 8.00 a.m.....10 p.m. Similarly another Lorry on another side starts from Mysore to Banglore at 6.00 a.m, 7.00 a.m, 8.00 a.m.....10.00 p.m. A Lorry takes 9 hours to travel from Banglore to Mysore and vice versa.?


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I want Canara Bank Question papers ? if u have this one send my mail. id - kuruba.sreekanth@gmail.com -regards


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Ram, Shyam and Gumnaam are friends.Ram is a widower and lives alone and his sister takes care of him. Shyam is a bachelor and his niece cooks his food and looks after his house. Gumnaam is married to Gita and lives in large house in the same town. Gita gives the idea that all of them could stay together in the house and share monthly expenses equally. During their first month of living together, each person contributed Rs.25. At the end of the month, it was found that Rs 92 was the expense so the remaining amount was distributed equally among everyone. The distribution was such that everyone received a whole number of Rupees. How much did each person receive?


Hi, Can anybody please send me the last year question papers of Oriental Bank of Commerce PO exam. My email ID is: yamini.friend14@gmail.com Thanks.


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