c++ is a purely oop concept?

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write a code for this. serial_number contained in the header of the file will be read , if this serial number is less than a previous serial number within a successfully processed file, or is the same as another serial number within a successfully processed file, or if the field contains anything other than 7 digits, then the file must error with the reason ‘Invalid SERIAL_NUMBER’.


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Question In a class, there is a reference or pointer of an object of another class embedded, and the memory is either allocated or assigned to the new object created for this class. In the constructor, parameters are passed to initialize the data members and the embedded object reference to get inialized. What measures or design change should be advised for proper destruction and avioding memory leaks, getting pointers dangling for the embedded object memory allocation? Please suggest. Question Submitted By :: Sunil Kumar I also faced this Question!! Rank Answer Posted By Re: In a class, there is a reference or pointer of an object of another class embedded, and the memory is either allocated or assigned to the new object created for this class. In the constructor, parameters are passed to initialize the data members and the embedded object reference to get inialized. What measures or design change should be advised for proper destruction and avioding memory leaks, getting pointers dangling for the embedded object memory allocation? Please suggest. Answer # 1 use copy constructors 0 Shanthila There is something to be taken care in destructor, in copy constructor, suppose the memory is assigned to the embedded member object pointer with the parameter passed value, but if some other objects of different class also are pointing to this memory, then if some one deletes the object then this class member pointer object will become dangling, or if the object is not deleted properly then there will be memory leak. Please suggest the design change required to handle or avoid this situation


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