what is the diffrence between qualityassurance and system
testing explain in detail with an example?

Answer Posted / sreenivasa reddy

Quality assurance is some thing where in we validate the
process i.e what is the process used to build a application
like how many reviews are done and what are the phases
involved. Quality control is some thing where in we
validate the delivarables, we are not bothered about the
process, we are bothered about the functionality, i.e how
good is hte review done, how many review comments are
given, are the review comments fixed and is the code
working fine.

for a real time example:
consider preparing idly.

Quality assurance: here we see what is the process that is
used to prepare idly like firt we have to prepare the
batter, this invloves soaking of the ingredients for a
while say one hour, clean the idly ravva and then grind the
dal and mix it with ravva....here we are not botherd about
the quality of dal and ravva and the quality of grinding,
we are bothered about the proces
People assume that if we follow these steps we can assure
that we can get idli

Quality control: here we are bothered about the quality of
the outcome, we validate the quality of everything the
quality of ravva, the qaulity of dal and the how well it is
mixed all this stuff

control is a part of assurance.

Assurance starts from the design phase and control starts
from execution phase

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