write a program to sort 'n' elemnts using bubble sort

Answer Posted / jony

hi, This is a program in java programming language to sort
an array of elements using bubble sort technique.......

public class bubbleSort{
public static void main(String a[]){
int i;
int array[] = {12,9,4,99,120,1,3,10};
System.out.println("Values Before the sort:");
for(i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
System.out.print( array[i]+" ");
bubble_srt(array, array.length);
System.out.print("Values after the sort:");
for(i = 0; i <array.length; i++)
System.out.print(array[i]+" ");

public static void bubble_srt( int a[], int n ){
int i, j,t=0;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
for(j = 1; j < (n-i); j++){
if(a[j-1] > a[j]){
t = a[j-1];

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