What Is ASPNET_WP.exe?
What Is The Use Of It?
In Which Place Inproc Session Stored ?
Explain Session State ?

Answer Posted / anetcoder

For faster execution of ASP.NET applications that are
primarily based to be hosted on IIS servers, the
aspnet_wp.exe comes into picture. This file (aspnet_wp.exe)
is actually the ASP.NET worker process. The worker process
is introduced to actually share the load on the IIS, so
that application domains and other services may be
maintained by a single worker process.
The aspnet_wp.exe worker process is a part of the Microsoft
ASP.NET framework, and it is responsible for most of the
technical processes in the ASP.NET framework. There may be
multiple instances of ASP.NET worker process running on IIS
6 (a process running as inetinfo.exe), depending on
multiple application pools. The worker process handles all
the requests passed to the ASP.NET framework, so we may say
that its actually the main engine that handles all requests
pertaining to ASPNET. For example, when a request for
an .aspx page is recieved by the IIS server, the dll called
aspnet_isapi.dll passes this request to the aspnet_wp.exe
worker process.

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