how many outer joins are used in a single sql query? is
there any limitations for using of outer joins?

Answer Posted / jaya krishna goud

the above answer is valid if we use consider only 2 tables .

Q) How many outer joins we can have for a query considering
more number of tables( eg:5 tables ..?)

Thank U ...

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> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION FACTORIAL_1(factstr varchar2 ) 2 RETURN NUMBER AS 3 new_str VARCHAR2(4000) := factstr||'*' ; 4 fact number := 1 ; 5 BEGIN 6 7 WHILE new_str IS NOT NULL 8 LOOP 9 fact := fact * TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(new_str,1,INSTR(new_str,'*')-1)); 10 new_str := substr( new_str,INSTR(new_str,'*')+1); 11 END LOOP; 12 13 RETURN fact; 14 15 END; explanation Above program?


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