What is SOAP, UDDI and WSDL ?

Answer Posted / udit trivedi

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a simple protocol
for exchange of information. It is based on XML and
consists of three parts: a SOAP envelope (describing what's
in the message and how to process it); a set of encoding
rules, and a convention for representing RPCs (Remote
Procedure Calls) and responses.
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) is
a specification designed to allow businesses of all sizes
to benefit in the new digital economy. There is a UDDI
registry, which is open to everybody. Membership is free
and members can enter details about themselves and the
services they provide. Searches can be performed by company
name, specific service, or types of service. This allows
companies providing or needing web services to discover
each other, define how they interact over the Internet and
share such information in a truly global and standardized
WSDL (Web Services Description Language) defines the XML
grammar for describing services as collections of
communication endpoints capable of exchanging messages.
Companies can publish WSDLs for services they provide and
others can access those services using the information in
the WSDL. Links to WSDLs are usually offered in a company?s
profile in the UDDI registry.

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