what is the abbreviation of CTF-FTB?

Answer Posted / ravindra

CTF-connective tissue factor.
There are three major types of muscle fiber. These are classified by how fast they contract or twitch. These are called
Slow twitch (ST):h are characterized by having a good deal of myoglobin and mitochondria. They are weaker than the other types, but are made to work without tiring for a very long time. Your heart is the absolute winner for slow twitch fiber, since it never stops working. (It does rest between beats, which is why cardiovascualr training is good for it -- your resting heart rate will drop, thereby giving your heart more of a break.) Other place you find slow twitch fibers are in the calf, neck and the quadriceps (thigh) muscle.
Fast twitch A (FTA) which has fairly short endurance lasting about 2 - 3 minutes and is designed to give great speed. This has larger nerves so it can fire faster and supplies about 5 times the amount of power that ST fibers do. This is dominant in the abs, triceps and hamstrings.
Fast twitch B (FTB) This is designed for bursts of power. It fatigues very quickly -- within a few seconds. These have typically 10 times the strength of slow twitch fiber.

Both types of fast twitch fiber have much in common and things that apply to both will use the abbreviation of FT.
You were born with whatever mixture you were born with, and you cannot grow different fibers, just thicken the ones you've got. Normally, young athletes should be evaluated for various events to see exactly what mix they have. For instance, one person might have a bit more fast twitch fiber in his or her quadriceps than another and therefore have an edge as a sprinter. While you cannot change the composition, you can alter some of the properties, such as making fast twitch fiber grow more mitochondria and therefore increase its endurance

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