what is the difrence between sql and pl/sql

Answer Posted / aditya

SQL Enter, Edit, Store & Retrieve by single command or
statement where as PL/SQL process all SQL statements one at
a time. With PL/SQL, an entire block of statements process
in a single command line.

SQL in a strucutred query language; where pl/sql is
procedures,function,variable,method all are present
1)SQL is executed one statement at a time. PL/SQL is
executed as a block of code.
2)SQL tells the database what to do (declarative), not how
to do it. In contrast, PL/SQL tell the database how to do
things (procedural).
3)SQL is used to code queries, DML and DDL statements.
PL/SQL is used to code program blocks, triggers, functions,
procedures and packages.
4)You can embed SQL in a PL/SQL program, but you cannot
embed PL/SQL within a SQL statement.
Actually this is the appropriate answer...

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