How java is platform independent?

Answer Posted / santosh sahu

When you write the program for any programming language it
is called (source program), and it will have the extension
depending upon the language. For example, the C language
will have the extension ".c" and ".cpp" in C++.
When you compile the file or (source program), you will get
the ".exe" extension. This ".exe" file is executed by the
operating system in the C & C++ program.
If you are writing the program and compile it in one
operating system, you cannot take the same ".exe" file to
another operating system for extension. That means, this
program depends upon the operating system for its execution.

In Java, when you write the program, you will have
the ".java" file. And when it is compiled, you will get
the ".class" file. The ".class" file is executed by the
Java Virtual Machine (JVM). If you have the JVM, you can
execute the java program anywhere under operating system.
That means, that Java is PLATFORM INDEPENDENT.

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