WCF:What is it the Dead-letter queue and the Poison queue?
What is the difference?

Answer Posted / ravi

Dead Letter Queue

The main use of queue is that you do not need the client
and the server running at one time. Therefore, it is
possible that a message will lie in queue for long time
until the server or client picks it up. But there are
scenarios where a message is of no use after a certain
time. Therefore, these kinds of messages if not delivered
within that time span it should not be sent to the user.

Poison Queue

A poison message is a message that has exceeded the maximum
number of delivery attempts to the application. This
situation can arise when a queue-based application cannot
process a message because of errors. To meet reliability
demands, a queued application receives messages under a
transaction. Aborting the transaction in which a queued
message was received leaves the message in the queue so
that the message is retried under a new transaction. If the
problem that caused the transaction to abort is not
corrected, the receiving application can get stuck in a
loop receiving and aborting the same message until the
maximum number of delivery attempts has been exceeded and a
poison message results.

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