what is exact meaning of SNAP SHOT.how and when it will be

Answer Posted / jayakaran

SNAP SHOT is meaning of capturing images. It is the new
buzz for capturing images. Here in INDIA we ask to take
photos but now its called as take a snap of mine.
These SNAP SHOTS are captured by testers to forward it to
Why do we need to capture and forward it to developers?
This is done to give some more information to developers.
Generally testers will be capturing snapshots of the work
environment or the application. This is done when testers
finds a bug and wants to give some clear information to the
developers where they are finding the bugs. "A picture says
more than Thousand words" SORRY "A SNAP SHOT says more than
thousand words"

I Hope, I have answered the question


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Hi Friends, Just One Month Back I was Join in Small Company as a Testing Eng.I have Six Month Exp. In this Company all my team memb.r fresher & PM give responsibility on us to prepare all require QC doc. for our new project.So I need ur help in this matter .How Can I start my work and Which Doc.I start to collect & From Where I get Detail Information all abt these thing. Thanks to all friends who give reply to this. Suyog


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