#define MAX(x,y) (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)
int i = 10, j = 5, k = 0;
k = MAX(i++, ++j);
printf("%d %d %d", i,j,k);

what will the values of i , j and k?

Answer Posted / vidyullatha

In Linux:
O/P: 12 6 11

when k = MAX(i++,++j) is called the macro is replaced and
evaluated as, (i++) > (++j) i.e 11 > 6. As the result of
the statement is true, it executes the statement ? (X) i.e
(i++) on total the statement looks like this
(i++) > (++j) ? (i++)
i.e 11 > 6 ? (i++)
i.e k = i++;
Here as i is post increment first value of i is assigned to
k and then it is incremented.
Hence k = 11.
as i is incremented twice it value is 12
and j is incremented once hence 6
So final O/P is 12 6 11.

Hope this helps.

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