Perform the following tasks using MS-EXCEL:
FUEL ESTIMATES COMPUTATIONS: This project is to compute the
fuel needed for two types of airplanes, and the cost of the
fuel. You must do all computations using formula, and do a
chart. Use Page Setup to make the left margin 0.5 and the
right margin 0.5 also. Put your name in the Title line,
after "Fuel Estimates".

Note the following:

? Col. D - H: You must enter correct formulas under
Columns D through H (Flying Fuel, Reserve Fuel, Holding
Fuel, Total Fuel Needed and Estimated Fuel Cost)!! Read and
compute carefully!
? Cells C12, C13, C14, H13 or H14: When you use these
cells in a formula, you must make them absolute cell
references (F4 key after your type the cell reference, or
enter the $ sign manually)
? Graph/Chart: Select cells A3:B8 (Plane and Flight).
Hold down the "Control" key and select D3:D8. Hold down
the "Control" key and select G3:G8. Create a chart (Insert-
Chart, Finish) and position it in a pleasing way under the
data for the flight. Print it on one sheet, in landscape
? Print again, but with Formulae: There are two ways
to show formulas:
1) Enter Control+` (the key with the ~ at the top left)
or 2) Tools-Options, and under "Window Options" put a check
mark beside "Formulas", then close the window.

Answer Posted / k.ganesan

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