What are the differences between a sys and system user and
what are the extra privileges available to the sys user?

Answer Posted / sandip patil

SYS is the owner of the oracle dictionary.
THE DEFAULT superuser or like a 'root' in a oracle database.
Oracle strongly recomends NOT TO use SYS for any regular
adminstration tasks.

please have a look here


system is just another account with administrative privs (
by default cannot start/shut databases)

quoting docs
"The Oracle user SYS owns all base tables and user-
accessible views of the data dictionary. Therefore, no
Oracle user should ever alter (update, delete, or insert)
any rows or schema objects contained in the SYS schema,
because such activity can compromise data integrity. The
security administrator should keep strict control of this
central account."

"When a database is created, the user SYSTEM is also
automatically created and granted the DBA role.

The SYSTEM username is used to create additional tables and
views that display administrative information, and internal
tables and views used by various Oracle options and tools.
Never create in the SYSTEM schema tables of interest to
individual users."

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