after udatingg first 110 rows, my job abends. now how do i
change my cobol program so that when i restart the Job it
will start updating from 111th row ( i.e in next run I
di=ont want to update those 110 rows which are already been
updated in the first run before job abend)

Answer Posted / kapil arya

For this situation, we must use the Check Point and Restart
Logic in COBOL program wherever you are reading or modifing
the Record from a file or a Db2 Tables.

For this you have to define one counter variable in working
storage section which contains your Recod Key.
And after that first time when you will start reading the
file you have to check it
If WS-SVE-CNT-KEY = SPACES then start reading the record
from first record and as per you requirement you can save
you record key in this counter variable after 500 (for E.g)
and increase you counter variable by 1 after reading each
record when the counter variable will reach on 500 then
move this value to save variable.
And then Write your 500 record in a file. And using the
COMMIT save this status. and after that set the counter
value to 0 again and start it from top...
And suppose You job abends after reading 1055 records that
means 1000 records has been written in your o/p file. and
when you restart your job again it will match again
If WS-SVE-CNT-KEY = SPACES then this variable will have the
record key of 1000th record then it will start readind the
record from 1001..

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