please send fully solved question of ssc combined graduate
level exam-2007

Answer Posted / pramod kumar

Please send fully solved question paper of Delhi Police
(Ministrial) Head Constable exam any year to this ID

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

which posts are BEST in terms of extra income & promotions in SSC GRADUATE LEVEL 2010


what type of questions are asked in ssc graduate level one should prepare for it.i am commerce grad. what questions are expected from my commerce background.


Please explain me what is TI in Indian police and how to become a TI and also tell me is TI superior than police inspector?


ssc combined graduate level 2010 tire 2


can anyone suggest or send me practice papers for SSC CGL 2011 (NEW PATTERN).


Hi guys.I took Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO) for Intelligence Bureau (IB) few months back..I've confidence that I'll clear the exam.I need to know about the interview.Please help me with this..I donno wt kind of stuffs to be prepared..One main Question is can Assistant Central Intelligence Officer be promoted to ips cadre?pls help me...


What was the cut off marks for final selection for the post of Section Officer (Commercial Audit)Exam conducted by SSC in previous years?


how you organize marriage of cousin sister with the help of friends if the uncle makes the money available ??


Hi, I m ankit chaudhary recently posted as auditor in Pr acount genl.(c & ca) office at BANGLORE. my home town is in delhi. I can accept mutual transfer to dehi,haryana,up,rajasthan, uttanchal. Anybody interested can contact me on 09008712752 or e-mail address


who are better friends according to you-girls or boys?


why did you choose M.Sc(math) ??


what is the starting gross salary of assistant in css . what is the highest rank an assistant can get promoted in his career.


qualified for TAX ASSISTANT in CBEC, KOLKATA ZONE through CGL 2011 conducted by the SSC.How many month will it take for the joining. the results published on 30th of march 2012.


hi....I am Kanhiya Kumar singh DEO, in office of the AG(AUDIT), Uttrakhand, Dehradun, want mutual transfer to patna, jharkhand, allhabad, lucknow or kolkata, kindly contact me on 7895363950


is cgl 2011 have to pass each section like banking, i.e. sectional cut off is there.