Which one is more efficient? A four stroke engine or a two
stroke and why?

Answer Posted / javeed ahmed

.)For the same size of cylinder, Some of the power and
compression stroke get wasted due to the presence of ports.
Improper combustion due to the mixing of burnt gases with

2.)The fuel consumption is four stroke is less and the
combustion power in four stokr engine is greater there by
reducing the emmission of smellier gases.

3.)prescence of valves which precisely control the flow of
charge into the chamber and exit the exhaust gases with
proper timing which is hard to achieve by ports in a 2
stroke engine.A Four Stroke is more efficient when it comes
to fuel
consumption because the four stroke engine has intake and
exhaust (poppet) valves. The exhaust valve allows all the
exhaust to escape every time, and the intake valve lets in
the same ammount of fresh fuel every time. The two stroke
engine is less efficient in this because it has ports that
do not get all the exhaust out every time causing not as
good of a gas mixture.
The Two Stroke Engine is more efficient than the Four
Stroke. The Two Stroke Combusts every time that the piston
hits TDC (Top Dead Center), where the four stroke fires
every other time the piston hits TDC because the four
stroke has to push the exhaust out of the valve. Therefor,
the two stroke fires two times in the time that the four
stroke fires once, making it more efficient in power.four
stroke engines having more thermal efficiancy than two
stroke engines that gives good fuel economy .

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