which type of testing we r doing at the begining of the
project,and what r the next next testing at the application

Answer Posted / abhesheke

For any project the initial testing would be a BVT(Build
verification Testing)irrespective of small or big company if
this testing Activity is missed you can say that the company
does not follow the Testing Process.

1)BVT: The tester needs to check End-to-end of the
Application and say if it is Stable for testing or not.
what do mean by Stable ? :They should not be any error
page(404,500)and any blocker.

Second phase of testing:Functional Testing.

once the BVT testing is done if the application is stable
enough to test you would start testing the application
Functionally .

In Functional testing you would execute all the Functional
test Case start your bug posting accordingly.

Please ping me if you still need any clarification.

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