Why Java is not purely object oriented?

Answer Posted / elecen

Java is mostly an OOP language, but
We expect an OOP language to support:

Multiple Inheritance (not just implementations)
Overloading of operators

Java is inconvenient because:
Doesn't support Pointers :\
Both lightweight and heavyweight controls are CRAPPY!
You need to write hundreds of overhead code just to add some
typical functionality!
Doesn't provide access to some centralized message loop!!! :\

Java Sucks Big Time Because:
Takes like a zillion years to execute code that would take
just a few nano seconds in C++
Has HUGE loading times compared to C++
Is a memory leech!!!
Can't pass objects by reference!!! (mentioned pointers
already, didn't I? ;) :\

Java's nice because:
Runs anywhere a JRE is available :)
But then again, QT based apps run on Win, Linux and Mac, so
why bother?! :p

Bottom Line:
I have NOT a clue why they insist in teaching Java in
universities, while the BEST approaching method has ALWAYS
been C++ with some Assembly :D


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