what is Automation frame work and how do u used this for
your project?

Answer Posted / meghana

can some explain me more with some example on this

thanks in advance

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Hi, I'm a beginner in QTP and planning of a certification in QTP, but have no idea about it :P. Could anyone please tell me what certifications that a QTP- beginner can take? What is the fees and the syllabus for the certification? Please reply soon. Thanks Vidhya


How Can I find the least value in a bunch of variables using qtp.. E.g.:- A = 210, B = 212, C = 60, D = 111 I don’t want to write bunch of lines for this…. Is there a way to get the result in one line…..


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Step 3&4 are repeated until an the object in recognised uniquely.


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i have an external excel datasheet where it only contains 3 rows. after qtp executed the code to import the datasheet, the datatable getrowcount method now gives me a different value, lets say 60,000+ instead of only 3. i did not have any values starting from row 4 of my excel file. why is this happening? this also results to the qtp report to load for a very long time.


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