what are the different types of browser compatability u
will test ?

Answer Posted / sami

Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator Version4,6

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Define Stability, Scalability and reliability with example ?


Hi,all i have a desktop App. which have a feature, It's a demo version if u want full version then u have to perches it. Pls give me some idea ASAP how can i break the App.


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integration test cases for mouse and keyboard


Build with fixes has been deployed on QA environment if asked by your manager to reproduce how can you reproduce the issues? (by using the previous build) Can you access the previous build? If so ,what are the tools or how can you access?


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Anyone tell me the test cases of Shopping Favorite


hi sir, i completed my GNIIT from NIIT. i recently joined in IT company for Testing(manual) on JD EDWARDS.So,i wanna to ask that after taking 1yr experience can i able to do Testing .NET in another company.Pl i am confused pl send yours suggestion throw my email(paresh_shindeal@yahoo.com)


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Hi, i am looking job in perfomance testing using Loadrunner can any body help me a project in any domine plz(Usah) chs_29@rediffmail.com


Usually customers won’t give all the requirements. How will you manage & collect all the necessary information?


I am new to testing, I need information about TSYS any website or if you have information please mail it to me. this is for online credit applications project.My mail id is keerthanakoluvu@yahoo.com. Thanks for your help.


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