What is the syntax for datagrid and specifying columns ?

Answer Posted / venugopal

The DataGrid is a Web server control that is used for data
display. This control provides the easy way to bind the
data from the database to the user in a user-friendly
manner. The DataGrid control renders a tabular, data-bound
grid. The DataGrid control displays the fields of a data
source as columns in a table. Each row in the DataGrid
control represents a record in the data source. The
DataGrid control supports selection, editing, deleting,
paging, and sorting.

The datagrid has the following column types:

EditCommandColumn : Encapsulates the most common edit
commands (Edit, Update, Cancel) in a predefined column
HyperLinkColumn : Creates a column with a set of
hyperlinks that are bound to the value of a data field. For
example, a grid that displays a list of orders can include
a hyperlink column where the OrderID field is rendered as a
hyperlink to a page that displays the details for the
BoundColumn :Creates column bound to a field in the
data source and rendered in a table cell using styles. This
is the default column type for the DataGrid control.
BottonColumn : Creates a column that contains a user
defined command button, such as Add or Remove, for each
item in the column.
TemplateColumn : Creates a column that allows you to
define the layout of controls using templates for custom
HTML elements and controls.

The syntax for the datagrid and columns is as fallows

<asp:datagrid id="dgPopularFAQs" runat="server"
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="FAQID" ItemStyle-
HeaderText="FAQ ID" />

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="FAQ Information">
<table border="0">
<td align="right"><b>Description:</b></td>
<td><%# DataBinder.Eval
(Container.DataItem, "Description") %></td>
<td align="right"><b>Category Name:</b></td>
<td><%# DataBinder.Eval
(Container.DataItem, "CatName") %></td>
<td align="right"><b>View Count:</b></td>
<td><%# DataBinder.Eval
(Container.DataItem, "ViewCount", "{0:#,###}") %>


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