I have done my Engg in Mechanical and passed out in 2006.I
have been working with a MNC and on the project for past 14
months. I am going to file my L1. I wanted to know whether
i am eligible or not and if so will my engineering in
mechanical engg will be a constraint in getting visa.

Answer Posted / kumar c

Being in a proj is not a matter of eligibility. Check
whether u are eligible for the L1 visa type.. guess it is
only for the comp science dept...

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

i have been rejected for B-1 visa on 13th jan 2009 now my company wants to apply L-1 visa for me . what will be the right time to apply for it ? is there any time limit in this case?


I have my Visa Interview scheduled next week.My problem is that I have only applied to one university because I have made my home work on all the universities that offer my course work and I finally applied to this univeristy and got a admission decision in 2 weeks that I am admitted to the program for fall 2103. My question is that,will there be a problem, if the visa officer asks me what are the other universities that I applied apart form this?


I have done my +2 and then an open university degree and work experience of 6 years, regular education for 10+2=12yrs, and 3 years partime education. Will I be eligible for L1 Visa?My company is planning to trigger one for me, I am not sure if I would be eligible or not, any pointers would be very helpful.


Hi, My education is Diploma in Mechanical Engg and Post diploma in Metallurgy (10+4 Education) , I have 10 years experience in Energy projects. Already I have B1 visa and have a experience in Italy Business visit (3 months trip). Please let me know that I am eligible for getting the L1B visa or not?


what are the formalties to get a L1 visa


I had applied for student visa in Dec 2010 and the visa was refused as the interviewer said that "I am not convinced". Then I again applied for visa interview in Jan 2011 and it again got refused for the same reason. Now I am getting chance to go to US for work (my company is sending me there). Will there be any problem in my L1 visa because of student visa experience in the past (like a month before my visa was refused?


Hi, I got rejected 3 times for B1 2 years back. but that time i was working for small company. now i am going to appear for the L1 visa. my profile has couple of changes, one is, i am working for a bigger well known company and now i have completed MCA. earlier when i got rejected B1, i only had MBA which is not a technical degree since i am into software development. I am qualified technical architect. can any one let me know what are my chances to get through L1? it is urgent please thanks in advance


I am having 6.5 years of experience in IT and presently I am working in a reputed MNC. My company is soon going to apply for L1A for me. The reason I am worried because, the first company where I worked almost 2.7 years sold there business and presently there are no existence of it. Except the appointment as well as release letter from this company I don’t have any other documents like bank statement or form16 (As it was a small company we used to get the payment in cash.). So, in this situation if my present employer asks these documents during verification process I will be in deep trouble. Please advice me what should I do in this situation. Thanks a lot in advance.


please send me the L1 visa questions


i am currently having B1/B2 visa stamped in dec 2008. i have applied for L1B now..but i have never visited US..what question would they ask


I have done Diploma in Mechanical engineering. I am going to attend interview for L1 VISA. Earlier I had worked in 3 companies and there was a gap of 6months in between. In present company i have not shown that gap.I didnt get any certificate from one company to which I havve merged that 6 months gap. How should I proceed now? please suggest me something.


chgdtaara will put- lock on onject 1 shrupd 2 shrrd 3 exclude 4 none of the above i want to know which option is correct?


what are all tools and documention used in asap phase II in implementation project pls explain briefly.


Why you who need to go to us and why us associate can not work on this


my name is A rajender but in all my educational certificates except Xth standard it is A A rajendra. would it have any problem in my visa interview. kindly suggest.