Please answer this qns.
"What is the test strategy and list of design
characteristics for a login screen?"
thank u

Answer Posted / khan

test starategy is the planning before testing ,it includes
everthing from cost ,to resource allacation and time
management.this is done complete the testing before or on

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Hello. I am not here to answer your question. I jus found a job as software QA engr. And i am totally new to software testing. So can someone pls help me in the following scenario? there is this registration screen, and it contain: One textbox called Nickname which only accept alphanumerical One textbox called Contact which only accept numerical, One textbox called Email which can be filled with alphanumerical and symbol and One button called Register now becos there is so many textboxes, where i can filled with alphabet, number, symbol, "just space", leading zeros, leading space. there will be lots of combination. can someone pls help.. i will be appreciated if u can post the test case of the scenario i mentioned. Lots of Thanks


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