how can u put synchronization point in qtp,wat is exactly
synchroniztion why we use it wat is benifit in qtp

Answer Posted / kamakshya prasad podh

QUESTION: what are the different opens that we can use to
synchronize the test?

Answer: By using
i) Synchronization Point i.e Sync
ii) WaitProperty Method
iii) Wait Statement/Exist statement

QUESTION: Use of Synchronization i.e Sync Method

‘The following example uses the Sync method to complete the
navigation to the specified page.

SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe",""
Browser("Google").Page(" - Breaking News,").Sync
Browser("Google").Navigate ""
Browser("Google").Page(" - Breaking News,").Link
wait(10) ‘wait for 10 sec

QUESTION: Use of Exist Method

‘The following example uses the Exist method to check
whether the
'Search Flights image exists five seconds after it clicks
'Login image.

Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Mercury Tours").Image
("Login").Click 0, 0
Wait (5)
Browser("Mercury Tours").Stop
If Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Welcome to Mercury").Image
("Search Flights").Exist Then
MsgBox "The Image Exists."
MsgBox "Cannot find the Image."
End If

QUESTION: Use of WaitProperty Method

Waits until the specified object property achieves the
specified value or exceeds the specified timeout before
continuing to the next step.

‘The following example uses the WaitProperty method to wait
for the
'Google Search edit box to be enabled before setting its
value to 'QTP Script'.
'If it is still disabled after the test's
'Object Synchronization Timeout time has been exceeded, it
will not
'perform the Set method.

If Browser("Google").Page("Google").WebEdit
("q").WaitProperty("disabled",0) Then
("q").Set "QTP Script"
End If
'If Browser("google").Page("index").WebEdit
("Account").WaitProperty("disabled", 0) Then
' Browser("index").Page("index").WebEdit("Account").Set
'End If

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