how will i sell a refrigerator to an eskimo?

Answer Posted / thejus

i think that all the answers i read is exactly wrong. it's
only my thinking.
now a days we can't use any traditional approach to attract
the customers so we need entirely new method to attract
so what i do is i will first arrange party to selected
Eskimos those who have the ability(money) to buy the
refrigerator. i will gave them an excellent lunch before
going to the selling part. i will not ask them directly that
"you should buy this product and it will help you to save
your food".
i will try a new approach. i will start with friendly
approach like i will start with the feed back of the lunch
that given. so will start with the question like
" how is your lunch",
" would you like to have the same kind of your food daily".

This method will attract the customers to know
more about the secret behind that excellent lunch. Then i
will come to the point that what i am trying to sell them
and i talk about benefit that you get from this like it
keeps everything fresh all the time. make them understand
that vegetables and fruits can't be stored in minus degree
temperature. if they use this refrigerator you can make the
food and store for long times and whenever you want to have
the food just take the food and heated it and have it you
feel the same taste that you prepared at first. and i also
point out that the some external benefits likes you can save
the time of making food and you utilize that time for other

And at last i will demonstrate the product before Eskimos.
Also give them the technical side of the refrigerator.

i think that this method will help to attract customers to
buy the product

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