can we install qtp in windows vista

Answer Posted / bhavna khurana

I am also using QTP9.2 on my Vista..........

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Hi I am new to QTP. can u please answer to my qus... suppose 3 excel sheets are there * we are trying to check for login credentials for a page. userid from excel1 , password is from excel2 whether the page is opened or not that checkpoint is result is should be stored in excel 3.... this qus i have faced in IBM technical round... please tell script for above query ... please please


i have an external excel datasheet where it only contains 3 rows. after qtp executed the code to import the datasheet, the datatable getrowcount method now gives me a different value, lets say 60,000+ instead of only 3. i did not have any values starting from row 4 of my excel file. why is this happening? this also results to the qtp report to load for a very long time.


Limitations in QTP?


we use a file extension .properties why is it used and where do we use it plz help me out with detailed explanation and navigation of how to use on the QTP 8.2?


what is actually contain test report? can anybody post the test report


Hi! My OTP script has several bitmap checkpoints included which I check in the test results xml file. The test is for SAP 4.7. I need to save these bitmaps to files or at least export them to the html file using the export function in the test results viewer. Could you please help me with this problem? Thank you in advance! Best regards, Peter


I am a new tester that needs to create an automatic script involving security questions. On a webpage I need to select a security question(which are random) from a drop down menu, and then input the answer as the last word from the security question. I have the script set-up to automatically select the first security question from the drop down. The problem I am having is trying to insert the security answer. How do I insert the security answer based on the selection from the security question?


how to explain a claims and insurance project?


What is the use of an object spy tool in qtp?


Could i know how how to explain keyword driven framework in interview? If any body knows plz send the explanation.


Where is the Bitmap checkpoint information stored?


How will you check a web application for broken links using qtp?


Write the code for,In the page screen we have total 10 Links,out of these I have to click 9th link


How does quicktest professional identifies the object in the application?


In QTP can we feed the out of one browser(internet explorer) as an input to the another browser(mozilla firefox)? If yes explain how to do it with an example.